PBE welcomes contributions from members of our community.

Contribution types

You can submit the following types of contributions:

  • Front cover photos – submit a photo for consideration on our front cover.

  • Articles – write an article about something that’s important to you, this can include photographs, but please send photos separately.

  • Photographs – submit photographs detailing location/s, and if people are in the photographs, please also complete and submit our Media release form.

  • Letters to the Editor – comment on any topic or issue happening in the community.

  • Calendar – submit an item for inclusion in the monthly calendar.

  • Community announcements – births, deaths, marriages, etc., these are free and should not exceed 150 words. Sorry, no garage sales or old furniture adverts accepted.

Contributor guidelines

Content to be supplied in Word document via email to portbroughtonecho@outlook.com and photos supplied in either .png or .jpg format by the 15th of the previous month.

Word count
News articles: 300 words
Feature articles: 500 words (For larger articles, please discuss with us prior to submission.)
Community announcements: 150 words
Letters to the Editor: 75 words

Word document
Minimal formatting

Editing completed by our team includes:
Grammar, spelling and tense
Word count and publication style
Potential legal issues

Media Release Form
If you are submitting an article that includes photographs of people, please also complete and submit our media release form:


The Port Broughton Echo (PBE) is providing this publication as a public service, but it is neither a legal interpretation nor a statement of PBE opinion. Reference to any specific product or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by PBE. The views expressed by advertisers and articles are their own and their appearance in the PBE does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. PBE reserves the Editorial Right to select and publish items in the Port Broughton Echo. Submission does not automatically imply that your contribution will be published.

Submission deadlines

All articles, advertisements, photographs, etc should be submitted in electronic format to portbroughtonecho@outlook.com by the 15th of the previous month to allow sufficient time for our design team to proof read, layout and publish the paper.

Front cover photos

If you would like to submit a photograph for the front cover of the Port Broughton Echo, email your photo by the 15th of each month to portbroughtonecho@outlook.com for consideration.

Requirements of the photo include:

  • Portrait style

  • 300 dpi

  • High resolution

  • Vacant space (e.g. sky) in top part of photo for our logo to sit

  • Appropriate to the month’s content

Examples of past cover photos:

“Well done Port Broughton Echo committee. I know the hard work you have invested into producing a fresh new look and you should all be congratulated.”

- Merrilyn Hewett