Promote your business in the Port Broughton Echo.

Advertising Rates

Full page ad
297mm (h) x 210mm (w)
$880.00 per year / $80.00 per month

Half page ad
146.6mm (h) x 210mm (w)
$495.00 per year / $45 per month

Quarter page ad
146.6mm (h) x 103mm (w)
$275.00 per year / $25.00 per month

Eighth page ad
71.5mm (h) x 103mm (w)
$165.00 per year / $15.00 per month

Artwork to be supplied via email to in either .png or .jpg format by the 15th of the previous month.

“Being a resident in Port Broughton, the Echo is something I buy every month and it’s great. The people who have done it for so long and decided to finish up, thank you. You did a great job. It was so good to hear some other people have taken it on and wow, it looks great! The way it’s all changed and the colour on pages is great. Thanks for continuing this for the town of Port Broughton.”

- Azza Smith